inside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcakeinside-out strawberry & almond shortcake

We’re living in interesting times. Everything seems backwards, topsy-turvy, inside-out, but life goes on and it’s my sister Stella’s birthday today ! Despite the worrying situation and anxiety, everything has slowed down and almost stopped for almost everybody. For me so far, it’s been 1 workless month of partial confinement and I, as well as all my family and friends and acquaintances are still hanging on and healthy. Thank goodness for that. My sister is far away, confined and still working hard from home and we facetime every day so here’s a birthday wish in the shape of a cake that I send to Stella Wella Cinderella ! 

My sister adored STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. This is at least what I remember. Not the cake itself of course (because we never made that in our Greek home) but the animated cute kiddie cartoon series in the beginning of the 80’s. She also had a little ceramic pink and white lamp on her bedside table in her princess-style bedroom, shaped like the mushroom house that the Strawberry Shortcake character lived in. I wonder where that is now ?

Here' a simple cake to make. Not as simple as the original recipe which is just 3 layers of sweet biscuit dough with 3 layers of whipped cream and strawberries. This cake has got almonds in it too and it’s quite moist and dense but it’s more of a surprise cake because almost all of the cream and strawberries are hidden on the inside. Inside-out ! Get it ?

You’ll have to make three small cakes, then hollow out the middle layer to insert or hide the marinated strawberries and the thicker sweetened mascarpone cream on the inside and finally finish it off with a thin scraped frosting finish on the outside with the remaining cream and a few decorations as a hint to what’s inside !

Have a peaceful Easter weekend (my Orthodox Easter is next weekend) and have a nice little family meal, which will be more intimate and restricted in the number of guests this year of course.

*Stay home, stay safe, be careful & be good ... :)

inside-out strawberry & almond shortcake




strawberries :

  • 250 grams (3 cups) small strawberries (225 grams after removing hulls, reserve 25 grams for topping)
  • 30 ml (2 tbsp) lemon juice
  • 30 grams (2 ½ tbsp) sugar

cake batter :

  • 250 grams (2 cups) all-purpose flour
  • 125 grams (1 ¼ cups) almond powder
  • 3 grams (¾ tsp) double-action baking powder (or 1 ½ tsp regular)
  • 1 gram (¼ tsp) salt
  • 165 grams (3 large) eggs
  • 250 grams (1 ¼ cups) sugar
  • 5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla extract
  • 110 grams (½ cup) vegetable oil
  • 75 ml (5 tbsp) strawberry juice (from the marinated strawberries)
  • optional : 1,25 ml (¼ tsp) almond extract

filling & frosting :

  • 250 grams (1 cup) mascarpone
  • 65 grams (½ cup) icing sugar
  • 2,5 ml (½ tsp) vanilla extract (artificial & clear if possible)

garnish & toppings : 

  • 15 grams (2 tbsp) slivered or chopped almonds
  • 25 grams (¼ cup) whole strawberries, marinated and patted dry
  • 5 grams (1 branch) crystallized strawberry leaves (with water or egg white & sugar)


  • hull the strawberries, toss with the lemon juice and sugar and set aside for 1 hour until they release some of their juices, drain the strawberries, recuperate the juice and set everything aside separately
  • preheat the oven to 170°C
  • combine the dry ingredients together (flour, almond powder, salt, baking powder) and set aside and beat the eggs with the sugar until creamy and frothy, then add the oil and extracts and mix again
  • add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mix well, then stir in the reserved strawberry juice
  • separate the cake batter into three (325 grams each) or you can ideally make the top layer and bottom layer slightly less (about 300 grams) than the middle layer (375 grams)
  • use 3 small cake pans that you have lightly brushed with vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour or 3 spring-form pans with baking paper on the bottom too (mine measure 16 cm in diameter and 3 ½ cm high each) and bake for 30-35 minutes, then remove and let cool completely before unmolding
  • mix the filling and frosting ingredients together until smooth and chill for 45-60 minutes
  • prepare the 3 cake layers, if necessary, slice the top off of each if too high and to even out and cut out and remove a large circle of cake for the middle layer
  • place the 1st bottom cake layer down, add some mascarpone cream filling, place the 2nd hollow layer on top, fill with the mascarpone cream and strawberries and push them in, add some more cream filling on the outer top edge, add the final cake layer and use the remaining filling as a thin layer of scraped frosting all around and on top of the cake, then decorate with whole strawberries that your patted dry and sprinkled with sugar, add some crystallized strawberry leaves (brushed with water or egg white, sprinkled with sugar and left to dry) and some slivered almonds
  • chill the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours before serving.